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Supun Udana Liyanage
Highly passonate writer & speaker. Love to blogging and reading.
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What Does A Mobile Application Developer Do? What We Do For You

role of developer in mobile app development

An App developer is the key element of a successfully developed app. This content will explain what a mobile application developer does to have a successful project.

An app is a great way to address an audience. Other than the typical benefits from digital marketing, you are entitled to a specific audience whom you can consider as a loyal audience. What are the responsibilities held by a mobile app developer? Is it difficult to develop an app by yourself? What does a mobile application developer do? All these questions will be answered within this content.

What Does A Mobile Application Developer Do Really?

As the very first thing to note, you have to remember that an application developer is not a person but a team of skilled people. Each one has been assigned specific app development team roles, and they work for making your app real. Even if you are looking for “What does a mobile application developer do?” it means that you are looking for a team and what they do.

Getting An Idea About The Problem

You must be having a problem. That is why you have to step as an app developer. Although the clients don’t feel like having a problem, What does a mobile application developer does is find a solution for your problem. Funding more customers, taking your products to more people, finding the most appropriate marketing strategy, and you might have your own reasons for going to an app developer. All these things are considered by the app developer, and he will get the right problem into his mind.

What Does A Mobile Application Developer Do Is Define The Strategy At First

The duty of the app developer starts from this moment. He will have to consider several strategies that can be used for the app. The defining of the app’s strategy has to be decided after considering several factors. Conducting research for the users, assigning the right audience, selecting the type of the app, features of the app, the special strategies to mitigate the competitors, and lots of factors have to be considered in this step.

Analysis and Planning

The analysis is the next part which involves taking the collected data into consideration. Your ideas, requirements, collected data, and assumptions are accounted for in this step. They will be used in future steps where the data analysts work hard to find a solution. Although the coding is the exposed part of the app development, the analysis, and the planning work as the heart of the app. This is where they begin.

UI or UX designing

When taking the customers into the attention, UI or UX is going to be the place where their experience is counted. As the Ui is the crucial part that the success of the app is decided, UI is considered to be a major step in What does a mobile application developer do fact.

Although the client does have an idea about the app he has wanted, he doesn't have an idea about the customer reactions. As previously mentioned, the development of a business app or a small business app development is a process where several app development team roles are involved.

Most people think that having a UI or UX is about designing graphics. It is not. Data analysts, graphic designers, work along with the UX specialists to get the 10% user-friendly interface. Since they have been working on hundreds of projects, they know what the UI is going to look like. When it comes to a new scenario, peoples’ ideas have to be extracted regarding the UI or UX.

Information Architecture and workflow designs are what What does a mobile application developer do for perfection. As a part of the UI development, these flows are crucial. When it comes to the mockups, wireframes, and prototypes, they are some of the advanced steps the app developer has to do.

App development

App development is the next step which involves defining the technical architecture, picking a technology stack, and setting the milestones. There are three development phases that belong to a small app known as back-end/server technology, API(s), and the mobile app front-end. The API is used for the communication that takes place between the app and the database where the back end is located. The front is the part of the app that the customers get to use. When it comes to the length of the development process, the time may take more than 04 weeks. As a client, you have to give the deadlines for the project, and it should have mentioned in the user agreement.


The testing part is what does a mobile application developer does along with the client as the last step. You have to work with the mobile application developer to identify bugs and errors. Also, the changes that need modifications should be indicated to the app developer. User interface modifications, additional features,

Connectivity, Permissions, And Lots Of Things Need To Be Checked At This Step

Most importantly, you have to use a minimum number of clients for the testing. For example, if you intend to distribute the app for your customers who wish to do the shopping online, you will be able to install the app. The proposed percentage is 1-5% out of the total customer volume. It means, if you want to introduce the app to 100 people, you will have to run the testing on 1-5 smartphones.

When coming too complicated apps, the app developer will have to create additional steps in the testing process such as user experience testing, functional testing, performance testing, network testing, like testing.

Deployment Is What Does A Mobile Application Developer Do At Last

As the last step of the app development process, the app will be released to the app stores. Blackberry world, App Store, and Play store are the three main application stores at present. Once you gave permission to the developer, he will take care of the launching.

FAQ On What Does A Mobile Application Developer Do? What We Do For You

  • Can I develop my own app after completing the mentioned steps?

    It is not a possible thing to do. As you can see already, an app developing team has got several members with different skills, along with the coding skills, management skills, analytical skills, and designing skills are required for developing an app. Although you can complete one of these steps, you will not be able to develop an app at the commercial level.

  • What are the responsibilities of an app developer simply?

    An app developer should conduct app coding, run tests, document the progress, and debug the app. Also, maintenance is one of the duties that an app developer needs to do. When it comes to ethical responsibilities, it is his duty t deliver the project in the promised time frame.

  • Whom should I contact for assigning my app development task?

    The project manager or the CEO of the app development team is the person whom you should contact. What does a mobile application developer do is design the job. He is a part of a big team. The project manager is responsible for assigning a specific task for the members and get the app development completed.

  • What are the skills needed for an app developer?

    As the primary skill, an app developer needs to possess developing skills. Other than that, management skills, analytical skills s, and communicative skills should be in the developer. When coming to the qualities of an app developer, he should bear listening, creativity, patience, and problem-solving qualities.

  • Can I trust an app developer?

    Of course, you can. But, it is important to look at his previous sample work before assigning the specific job for him.

  • What is the best way to learn coding and app development?

    The best way to learn app development is to follow an online course. Several online platforms are facilitating the learning environment, such as Udemy, Udacity, Linda, Treehouse, and Skillshare. All you have to do is to join and learn from A to Z.


What does a mobile application developer do? You must now have an idea about what a developer does and what he is capable of. It is always not an easy task. Unlike most online entrepreneurs or freelancers, app developers don’t get the privilege to keep templates and use them as soon as the customer wanted to create an app. A developed app is an asset that belongs to the customer after assigning the rights. Also, maintenance is a huge part that belongs to the application development. It requires time, resources, and the skill to do similar to developing an app.