Dehan Wijesekara
Dehan Wijesekara Founder of Clounote Technology and creator of Clounote Ordering an online food ordering system for restaurans and other businesses who need to let online ordering for their customers. Developing bespoke custom web and mobile applications since 2010. 6 min read

Game of digitizing in the business world

online ordering system for restaurants

Business can grow and expand with a good product, good customer service and enough marketing. But how you score good marks continuously as a growing business. Every day you get more and more workload and it becomes little bit by bit complicated to handle the incoming loads.

When it comes to business there are many complex things to carefully manage. Expenses, Procurement, Inventory management, Employee management, Client satisfaction. Future planning, etc. How you are going to manage these tasks staying inside your annual allocated budget. That's where information technology and engineering is joining the ground.

YES, Machines can't replace mankind 100% but it will be able to follow exact instructions and find things very fast.

With a good IT solution business can automate their certain processes. And also, machines let businesses to store information and data to reuse in another time in an on-premise or cloud hosted server. Any data will be available within a snap of time for reference. This will enable access to data from remotely connected through secure tunnels from multiple locations.

In modern days mostly every business relies on at least a single information technology product to easily manage the businesses processes and work-flows.

Following are popular IT products to run the world.

  • FinTech applications.
  • Internal task management applications.
  • Logistic & supply chain management applications.
  • Hospitality management applications.
  • E-learning application.
  • Document management applications.
  • Employee management applications.
  • Payroll applications.
  • Leave management applications.
  • Event planning applications.
  • POS systems.
  • Online classifieds and advertising platforms.

Above i have mentioned a few IT solutions. As you can see IT is already a part of business management in order to face the competition.

Deploying an IT system showing results immediately. Most companies are in high demand due to the ease of work. For example, When Sri Lankan people experience the first digital banking application, many people start to use the application due to friendly and faster banking experience. Due to the demand after the first bank digitalized, almost every bank now has at least a banking mobile application to face the competition. Digitalization is something people expect, especially when it comes to the "Gen Z" people pattern of thinking and expectation, they mostly live in a digitalized life.

With the COVID-19 disaster, even people in the very low level of the society have naturally been forced to use IT based online ordering systems and now they have the taste of going easy life with digital products. No more sun burning, no more time wasting for road traffic. Now there are many & many online ordering systems due to high demand and these products give benefits for both businessmen and service consumers. Businessmen will be visible to larger markets and consumers can get the groceries and food to the doorstep by spending a delivery fee of less than the cost they need to visit grocery stores. So, before 2030 there will be huge competition to grow up with IT and creative thinking. This will be a game of digitizing.

Hospitality industry also plays a digitalizing game by offering creative products. Most recently I saw a mobile application which is provided to guests with cool features. Application consists of a loyalty profile and it encourages people to consume more services. Mobile apps are providing attractive promotions and offers to the guests and invite people to have a stay for a loyalty price. Cool thing I saw here is, this application is a direct marketing channel to stay connected with the client. I have the same system implemented by some hospitality companies as a mobile friendly web application. web applications can't get push notifications and your promotions will not be visible to guests until they visit the site. This is a good answer to the people who asks,

Do I need to introduce mobile applications as well, can we introduce a responsive web app so it will be available among all the platforms??

You can introduce responsive mobile friendly web applications instead of mobile applications. But the thing is you will lose many benefits that you could get with a mobile application.

Popular applications like Uber have clearly shown how this IT industry is powerful and food ordering applications and social media applications are also good examples of modern creative business ideas with IT & engineering love.

Going digitizing is an essential part of the 20th century in order to survive in the business competition. Think smart and act fast.

Clounote is a tech company which is helping businesses grow with digital products. Clounote caters web, mobile and AI based products to automate daily business processes and tasks. Take a moment to say Hi 👋 to Clounote (Pvt) Ltd.